6 Ways To Reduce Your Cooling Costs This Summer

Woman by river on a hot summer day.
The hot, humid days of a Lancaster County summer are here, which means we’ll all be running our air conditioners more.

Lancaster County is known for its hot, humid summer months. Before you close the windows and begin running the AC for longer periods, here are some tips on how to save money when cooling your home.

1. Stop Cooling Your Neighborhood

If you live in an older home, seal windows and doors. Get an energy audit from your utility company. Or go outside while the AC is running and run your hand around window frames and doors — do you feel cool air? If so, caulk around windows and add insulation to doors.

Neighbor relaxing on patio with a dog.
Your neighbors appreciating all the free, cool air.

2. Upgrade Your Thermostat

Programmable thermostat in a home.
A standard programmable unit lets you set temperatures around your schedule.

Programmable thermostats and self-regulating thermostats, such as Nest or Ecobee, allow you to regulate the temperature from your smartphone and adapt to your schedule.
Nest thermostat.
The Nest adapts as your schedule and seasons change. It programs itself after about a week of use.

3. Re-Position Your Thermostat

If it’s placed near a poorly insulated window or door, your AC is kicking on more often than it needs to. Here are some tips on how to pick the perfect wall for your thermostat…

4. Close the Curtains and Blinds

Closed blinds to save on cooling costs.
Keep the cool air in and the hot sun out.

5. Use or Install Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fan.
Ceiling fans can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler at a fraction of the cost of running your AC unit, so you don’t have to feel guilty letting them circulate air all day long, if it means coming home to a cooler, more comfortable home.

6. Set Temperature the Highest You Can Stand

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting. You can use a programmable or smart thermostat to create a temperature schedule for your home that keeps the home cooler when you’re there, and slightly warmer while you’re gone.