Common Air Conditioning Mistakes To Avoid

An efficiently functioning air conditioning system is all that stands between your family and the brutal summer heat. To ensure that your system provides you with cool air all summer long, make sure to avoid these common mistakes.

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STOP Ignoring Problems
If you suspect you have an issue with your AC, don’t wait to call for maintenance. Signs like your house not cooling properly or hearing strange noises coming from your unit are indications you might have a problem. By waiting to call for service, you risk a small problem becoming a large one.

STOP Skipping Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance is the perfect way to keep your AC running at peak efficiency and reduce your energy bills this summer. Haldeman Mechanical performs a full maintenance check and cleaning to ensure optimal performance and identify any small issues that could cost you a bundle later. If your unit is still under warranty, skipping routine maintenance can also void your warranty.

STOP Neglecting Your Filters
Dust can build up very quickly in your AC unit leading to reduced system efficiency, higher energy bills, and more airborne allergens inside your home. Filters should be changed monthly to provide cleaner air and achieve optimal air flow.

STOP Blocking/Closing Vents
You might think blocking or closing the vents in unused portions of your house will help reduce energy costs. On the contrary. Closing vents can actually result in more strain on your system and cause the indoor coil to freeze up, stopping air flow and cooling completely.

STOP Avoiding Service Agreements
Signing up for a service agreement ensures that your system is always in top shape. The Haldeman Mechanical Customer Assurance Agreement offers many advantages. Included are annual preventive maintenance and a 10% discount on all service calls, materials and labor. And we require no up-front payments! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

STOP Overlooking Ceiling Fans
Your ceiling fans are a great way to help your AC circulate cool air throughout your home. Make sure that your fans are rotating in a counterclockwise direction for the warm weather season. This forces cool air down to help you feel more comfortable throughout your home.

STOP Trying To Camouflage Your Unit
Many people try to “hide” their outdoor AC unit by planting landscaping around it such as shrubs, plants and even small trees. Doing this will block air flow to the condenser unit, forcing it to work harder to cool your home. Debris from the landscaping can also infiltrate your unit and cause additional problems.

Contact Us

Think you might have a problem with your A/C? Call 717.665.6910 or contact us before it becomes a larger problem.