As Fall approaches, the best time to start thinking about your heating system is now. Most heating systems are reliable and run smoothly with some preventive maintenance. Whether your furnace is gas, oil or electric, performing regular maintenance on it will ensure the life of the unit and its proper operation.
Plus, keeping your system running at peak efficiency will keep your heating costs down all winter long. Haldeman Mechanical can perform a furnace tune-up on your system to ensure it keeps you warm all winter long.
By cleaning your system and checking it early, we can identify potential problems and fix them early, saving you time and money.
- check the operation of the burner
- Inspect the heat exchanger
- Check the blower operation (and clean if needed)
- Check the amperage
- Inspect wiring for cracks or loose connections
- Visually inspect the heat exchanger for cracks
- Check the calibration and operation of the limit controls
- Check the fan limit and check the high limits
- Check the thermostat calibration and anticipator
- Check the operation of the ventor
- Check oil or gas pressures, depending on system
- check filters and replace, if applicable